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The Forest of Hands and Teeth

>> Monday, April 26, 2010

Name: The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Author: Carrie Ryan
Pages: 308
Start Date: April 24
Finish Date: April 25
Type: Zombie with a little romance; Hardback
Status: Library; 1st in The Forest of Hands and Teeth Series

Summary:In Mary's world there are simple truths. The Sisterhood always knows best. The Guardians will protect and serve. The Unconsecrated will never relent. And you must always mind the fence that surrounds the village; the fence that protects the village from the Forest of Hands and Teeth. But, slowly, Mary’s truths are failing her. She’s learning things she never wanted to know about the Sisterhood and its secrets, and the Guardians and their power, and about the Unconsecrated and their relentlessness. When the fence is breached and her world is thrown into chaos, she must choose between her village and her future—between the one she loves and the one who loves her. And she must face the truth about the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Could there be life outside a world surrounded in so much death?

My Review: This book disappointed me. But it also enthralled me. I saw it all of a sudden in the stores and thought i just had to read it because everyone else is. So I started this book not knowing what it even was about. I'll admit: I would have never picked it up if I'd read the summary. I didn't expect a bitter sweet, no just bitter, love story. I gotta say, I think my heart broke a little when it happened. It was sad; the whole 'brother leaving the girl he loves alone because she belongs to the other'. But what's unfair, it that Harry I think loved Cass but he thought he loved Mary because he always had. So Harry really jacked everything up! :( So sad.... Anyway I love the whole 'zombie apocalypse'. I was baby sitting my 5 year old sister and 9 year older brother when I started this book. I had read up to 134 when the both snuggled into me on the couch and demanded I read out loud. I read to them for 3 hours strait, but only 37 pages because I kept having to explain stuff. When I tucked them in, we all agreed on some things:
1) Mary was stupid. Who cares about the ocean and dreams when you could have your true love. Ok, yeah, you have to pick one boy but come on! The ocean?! Ice cream we could understand...
2) Team Travis
3) Most zombies in movies have some kind of power. High jumping, scary smartness, super speed... but they had nothing. Kinda boring.
4) Did the zombies have a 'home' they went to? Could they reproduce? Were they making, like, a colony and pawing at the fences was like a job?
5) The whole story is kinda like "I Am Legend". P.S.- We didn't like that movie much.
6) WTH happened to Harry, Cass, Jacob, and the dog????????????????????
7) Was the 'man' on the beach a man, or her age?
8) How old was Mary, Travis, and Cass?
9) Jed?!
and 10) Will 'Dead Tossed Waves' answer anything here?
Oh, and Rachel pointed something out: Why did the boys fight over Mary when they had Cass? Cass didn't have mommy issues or had the possiblity to be crazy. Well not to the extent of Mary's craziness. Plus Mary sounded norm. Trust me, I am border line norm and ick and boys do not fight over me.

He is gone. Forever.~ pg. 276

I think the cover is so-so. I personally love the German Cover. I thought the title was just a title and maybe it was mentioned one or twice. No. The whole book literally surrounds the forest. That's ok but it sure tells ya Carrie couldn't think of a more creative title because she had to use her creative forest name as one.

Book Page and Sequel Page
Cool, weird stuff



Cherry May 3, 2010 at 2:14 AM  

Thanks for befriending me at shelfari. I had a little nosey and found your blog. Glad I did because I couldn't decide whether to buy The Forest Of Hands And Teeth or not. I didn't like the synopsis on the back. But, everybody seems to be reading it... gotta be a good read, right? Plus it is now on sale at Tesco for half price (I think)... so am so glad to read a review about it. A non-ARC review. I find ARC reviews tend to gloss over the negatives and gush on the positives. I didn't really want that kind of review. I wanted an honest review. Straightforward. Like yours.

Yeah, point no. 1, made me nod. Specially if it's chocolate ice cream :)

Thanks for sharing your views!

The Clumsy Reader May 4, 2010 at 12:39 PM  

Thanks so much! :) I know what you mean about ARC reviews so that's why I started this blog but as you can see by my followers, I don't think manny people like reviews that are like this. lol
Oh yeah, toatlly chocolate cream. if it had sprinkles, i think i'd forget my own name (let alone the ocean) :)-

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